We want to make the switch to reusable period products as attainable and easy as possible. That's why Period.Shop has added Afterpay as a new payment option.
It can be challenging to invest in a menstrual cup or disc due to their higher start-up cost compared to disposable, even more so for a full set of cloth pads or period underwear.
Afterpay is an interest-free installment plan with NO application fees or external credit checks. With Afterpay you can get your purchase after making your first payment but pay if off over time with four payments made over the course of 6 weeks.
To use Afterpay select it as your payment method and follow the prompts to sign-up, then complete check-out. Please click here for the full terms and information.
And don't forget, for those of you with insurance that offers an HSA (Health Savings Account) or FSA (Flexible Spending Account) period products are covered! Period.Shop accepts HSA debit cards online directly, another way we make shopping for your reusable period care products hassle-free and convenient.